What type of accommodation is available?
Our Hosts provide two options, self-contained accommodation and homestay accommodation where you will have a room in a family home similar to a bed and breakfast. Please note that not all homestays provide breakfast and this should be discussed with your booker on enquiring.
How do I know what is included in my booking?
When you are offered any accommodation we will send you a link to the host’s microsite which will provide details on what is included in the booking. If you require something that is not described or covered in the host microsite, you should contact our booking team to enquire. As standard you will be given a towel for the duration of your stay, however breakfast, laundry facilities and kitchen facilities are not always offered and you are best to check details before you confirm your booking.
Do I need to pay for the total cost of accommodation at the time of booking?
No you do not, we just ask you to make an advance payment of a non-refundable deposit to us. The balance of the charge is then payable in pounds sterling to the owner on arrival at your accommodation. For longer term bookings we require two weeks rent as an advance payment.
Can I cancel my booking?
You can cancel your booking at any time however you may be liable to pay up to the full amount of your accommodation fee depending on the date of your cancellation and how close this is to the agreed commencement of your stay. For more information you should refer to our cancellation policy.
Can I extend my booking?
If you wish to extend your booking, contact your booker who will consult with your Host. If your accommodation is available for the extended period your booker will make the necessary financial arrangements. If you try and negotiate independently of Doctor in the House ,directly with your Host, you will be breaking our terms and conditions and so will your Host.
Can I have extra guests to stay with me?
If you wish to have any friends or family to visit you during your stay you should discuss this with your booker at the time of booking. Your Host will need to be informed and an agreement made for additional costs, should your Host agree to accommodate the additional guests. Most of our Hosts will accept an additional Guest during your stay for a ‘double per night’ booking. Much the same as a hotel, however some Hosts do not accept extra Guests so it is worth checking in advance.
Is there specific time of arrival for my accommodation? 
We ask that you make contact with your host at least two days before your arrival date to agree your arrival time, and that this be no later than 10pm. If there are unforeseen circumstances due to flight delays etc, please inform your Host immediately.
Is there a specific time that I have to leave my accommodation on the day of departure? 
Your departure time should be arranged and agreed between you and your Host but must be no later than that end date of your agreed booking. If you wish to extend your stay this must be negotiated through your Doctor in the House booker.
Is the accommodation safe?
We visit every single one of the accommodation options that we offer to ensure that they are comfortable and safe.
How do I find the accommodation?
If you look on your Host’s microsite you will find transport information in the ‘What’s Local’ section which will provide information about local transport near to your accommodation and how to connect to the city centre. Once you confirm your booking you will be given the address and contact details of your Host who will help you with transport information.
Does the accommodation have wi-fi?
Yes, all our Hosts provide wi-fi as standard and you can discuss use of this on arrival.
Can I use the sitting room or other communal rooms in the homestay house?
Each host will have different guidelines for their accommodation, however in most cases use of the main living spaces is not offered. You should discuss this with your Host on arrival.
Will my host be able enter my room?
We instruct our Hosts that your privacy should be respected at all times and that they can only enter your room with prior permission from you for cleaning and maintenance etc.
Is it possible to use the kitchen and laundry facilities?
Availability and access varies depending on your Host and the nature of accommodation, however the range of facilities available for each accommodation option will be made clear before you make your booking when you are provided with the Host microsite for accommodation selection. Many of our homestay Hosts offer light use of their kitchen facilities to make snacks or light meals, and laundry facilities are also often available.  If you have any specific requests then you should discuss this with you booker when you make your enquiry.
What is a continental breakfast?
This varies depending on the Host, however you can expect tea and coffee, toast and cereal. In many cases your Host will leave the breakfast out for you to help yourself and you should not expect to be served breakfast in the morning.
Are there any restrictions on what I can do in the home?
You will find guidelines from your Host on their microsite and we ask that you also read and adhere to the guidance in the Accommodation Agreement sent to you once you have made a booking.